Analyzing quiz results (Quiz Analytics)

Checking the quiz results via My Quizzes

To check the results of a quiz, click on the 'Quiz Analytics' button for a quiz in My Quizzes as shown below. This will take you the Quiz Analytics section where you will see the results of the selected quiz.

Quiz Analytics

  • Under the quiz analytics section, you can check the results for the quizzes that you have distributed or your students have attempted.
  • As shown below you can select the quiz you want to see the results from the dropdown as shown.
  • For the selected quiz you can see the Quiz Type (Graded/Ungraded), Deadline, Distributed (to how many students), Quiz Completed by (how many students)

Understanding the 'status' against each student attempt -

  • If you see 'Detailed Results' against a student's name, it means that the student has completed his/her quiz attempt, and you can see their detailed result.
  • If you see 'Quiz distributed but not started' against a student's name, it means that the quiz was distributed to this student (via email) but that the student has not started it yet.
  • If you see 'Quiz started but not completed' against a student's name, it means that the student has started the quiz but has not completed/submitted it yet.

To see the detailed result of a quiz for a student, click on 'Detailed Results' as shown below. You can also see the quiz results for different attempts of that student.

To download the results for a quiz in a CSV, click on the 'Download this table as CSV' button as shown below

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