When your professor/teacher has assigned a quiz to you, and you want to start attempting the quiz, her are 3 ways in which you can do this:
Login to JoVE Quiz and attempt the quiz -
First, login to JoVE from here - https://app.jove.com/auth/signin and click on JoVE Quiz from the Education dropdown as shown below -
Then under 'My Quizzes' -> 'Assigned to me' tab you will find the quizzes assigned to you. Click on 'Take this quiz now' to start the quiz, as shown below.
You should also check the 'Quizzes taken by me' section for quizzes you can attempt more than once. You will see the 'Retake quiz' button next to such quizzes, as shown below -
Under My Quizzes -
- 'Assigned to me' tab, 'Take this quiz now,' means you are attempting the quiz for the very first time.
- 'Assigned to me' tab, 'Continue Quiz' means you started the quiz but left it in the middle, so now you can continue the quiz from where you left off.
- The 'Assigned to me' tab shows 'Deadline lapsed', which means the deadline has passed and you have not started the quiz.
- 'Quizzes taken by me', if the 'Retake quiz' button means that the quiz can be attempted more than once and you can retake the quiz.
- Under 'Quizzes taken by me,' if the 'Retake quiz' button is disabled, it means that you could have attempted the quiz again, but the deadline has now passed.
Start the quiz from your email inbox
- If a professor has assigned/distributed the quiz to you via email, then you will receive an email with the subject - 'Your JoVE Quiz, <Quiz Name>' like the one shown below. To start your quiz, click on the 'Start Quiz' button -
- If you're not already signed into JoVE, you might first be asked to sign in to JoVE before starting your quiz.
Direct link shared by your professor/teacher
- Your professor/teacher might also share the quiz link directly with you which would look like this - 'https://app.jove.com/new-quiz/invite/...' . By clicking on the link shared with you, you can start your quiz.
- If you're not already signed into JoVE, you might first be asked to sign in to JoVE before starting your quiz.
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